Saturday, June 6, 2009

The pin that traveled to France and was transformed into ELEGANT ISSI

A great shop in France purchased some cuff link blanks from my destash store and on a whim, I sent along a pretty little pin that I thought would love to end up with a glamorous new life. Boy, Did it EVER!! Here's the picture of Issi, and the description. The title of this posting will take you to Krishenka's store.

Meet Issi who in a former life was, well who knows but is now a lapel stick pin which has beautiful patterned glass vintage silver and black button resting in the centre with a swirl of silver either side of her, and she loves her new home. Looks great whether used on your lapel,hat or scarf.

Measures 7cm (2.5") from top to bottom.

Each Krishenka treasure arrives beautifully gift-wrapped at no extra cost so why not think about sending a gift directly to a friend?

Looking for something unique, you just found it.


  1. Wow I am very flattered that you should take the time to do this and Issi is well just overwhelmed she will be signing autographs next. Thank you for sending me the pin on a whim :)
