Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Originally uploaded by 1Cher
I finally got Etsy going again this time with StuStuStudio as the store name. That's been my compnay name for 11 years, and it's still amazing how many people make the connection with Phil Colins. It's also amusing how many people get the tune stuck in their head. Hhummmmm uncanny or brilliant?!?

Not only did I get Etsy going, but I'm going head to head with Ebay, to see who what & when! Let the bidding wars begin! Go Ahead, compete with myself for a sale. Please! You won't be sorry! In fact, satisfaction is guarenteed or your money back.

Ah, it was such a great day in the hood. 60-65 degrees, my kinda of weather.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Originally uploaded by 1Cher

this is NOT how I make my warm glass! But sure is reminiscent of our nights at the beach. We sure do miss them. All that and Trouble too!

Can't/Won't say where this was taken, or who was there or when or why. Really wouldn't want to do anything to get anybody into any kind of hot times.
Suffice it to say, I just love a good fire on the beach with silhouettes. View large for the big thrill, no chill!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Scheduled Glass classes: Fused jewelry

Rebecca's Studio on Cherry Bend Road will host glass fusing classes October 27th and 28th, 10-4 both days! Yours truly instructing. Hopefully, my fusing book will be available! Class size limited. No experience required. Inquire

Artisan Gallery on Garfield will host classes that will introduce glass fusing techniques for use in jewelry, either in mid October, or early November. Other items will be offered at a later date. (Teacher is Moi!) Class size is limited. No experience required. For more information:
Or email me for details:

Sunday, September 9, 2007

See dedicated website here

Check out the website for my "Leelanau County" inspired art at CheyenneGlass. Best viewed with a medium font.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Time & Tide, Wind & Waves

This was today, at the beach! The day started humid, gray, warm and it rained intermittently all day. Then this afternoon, it went away! Left us with blue skies, wind and waves. I just happened to have my camera handy and came up with these 2 sweeps.
There is the sound of wind and waves on the videos, so crank it up (or down?) and enjoy.

Check out my website to see what results from these influences.

Lake Michigan wind waves and wall Empire MI

PaPa & lighthouse