Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Location gloat: I live where you vacation

This is undoubtedly my favorite shot of the summer just past. This stunning vision was taken by a flickr friend of mine, Cedarkayak, in August of '08. It was shot from the south bluff of Empire MI, (aka Mt Baldy) overlooking Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore and Manitou Island. Kind of makes me wish I were there.
Oh wait.
I am.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Treasuries for Meals on Wheels (Click each to enlarge)

Our group of Wild Wise & Witty Grandmothers on Etsy have capture 6 treasuries to highlight our Meals on Wheels Benefit for September, in honor of National Grandparents day which is on September 7th (hint hint to all those grand & great grandkids out there)