Monday, July 28, 2008

Empire's North Beach Black n white

C North Beach BnW C
Originally uploaded by 1Cher
As seen in the newest treasurey on Etsy for the Wild Wise & Witty Grandmamas.

An honor to be selected!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Treasury delux For Tom's Encaustic!

Treasury delux! Unfortunealty, it's ended now but it was awesome! Sorry the picture was so small but I'm learning!

Winter effects ~~ Empire LK MI beach

Selected for a special Treasury about beachy keen items, see

while it lasts!

North Beach: January '08, Empire Beach vista of Beach grasses, sand and snow reminiscent of cappuccino with whiskers, choco/vanilla swirls, or lakeside lattes, or even drifts of melting ice cream. Thanks to my friends here at Flickr for the flavorful descriptions!

NoteCards from the Edge. Stu Stu Studio Empire MI

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

sundown 2

sundown 2
Originally uploaded by 1Cher
Look close, there are people out on those ice floes. Nice to look at in this hot and humid weather.

If this looks vaguely familiar, this is the shot that I've used for all of my banners. Here, and even at the sales site

Today, I've ordered new business cards with this banner.

Ah, life is good!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My First treasury for your viewing pleasure!

My first treasury on Etsy included these artists/
