Friday, July 27, 2007

Classes in fusing jewelry currently being developed for this fall in Traverse City MI. Vacation Mecca of the North!

Artisan Gallery on Garfield will be hosting classes that will introduce glass fusing techniques for use in jewelry, either in mid orctober, or early November. Other items will be offered soon. (Teacher is Moi!)

Rebeccas Studio on Cherry Bend Road will also host glass fusing classes October 27th and 28th, 10-4 both days! Yours truely instructing, Hopefully, my fusing book will be available!

Watch for more news as these classes develope. Feel free to pre-register before classes fill up!


Originally uploaded by 1Cher
Another set up potential for teaching classes to be held in Traverse City this October. Any prefences on the photo set up, the jewelry>


Originally uploaded by 1Cher
Working on some photo spreads for teaching jewelry fusing.


Originally uploaded by 1Cher
Putting together some pieces for the next jewelry class.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Orig Birch photo, translated into glass below.

The top photo is of a

Birch tree on the corner of M-22 and Esch Rd, Benzie County, in the midst of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakshore.

Creating the same picture using 3 layers of glass, kiln and crushed glass for paint.